
The Stop Smoking Man (a.k.a. Benjamin Ryan) uses a combination of approaches, including hypnotherapy, NLP and other advanced psychological techniques to make stopping smoking much easier. Many people say they found it so easy they aren’t sure what all the fuss was about.

If you’re serious and ready to stop smoking The Stop Smoking Man can help, and there’s even a 1-year guarantee on the work – if you find yourself smoking again at any time for up to a year, The Stop Smoking Man will help you again, FOR FREE!

This website is here to help you find out about the process and the decision to finally stop smoking, permanently.

Call The Stop Smoking Man on 0789 500 90 90

The Stop Smoking Man is based in Sudbury in Suffolk, but since the 2020 pandemic has been helping lots of clients stop smoking online via Zoom, so wherever you are in the world, I can still help.